Monday, May 4, 2009

April 29, 2009

You know what's great about my team? We never give up. And we play well together because we've known each other for a long time. This week game was against a team with a reputation of being dirty. A few years ago their keeper bit another teams player on the shoulder (I think it was there). I guess she's a Mike Tyson wanna be. When my team heard about this atrocious action we decided to set out to teach those girls a lesson. And so the test would insue to see if we could score the most goals on a team ever recorded at the soccer dome. It would be a very tough task, but one we were confident we had a chance to beat. The previous highest scoring game: 32-0. We ended our lesson teaching game scoring 28 goals and giving up 0. We basically scored a goal every 1.7 minutes. Just shy of the record, but enough to show we weren't happy with the team.

So with that background, you can expect we knew we were in for a fun filled jog around the pitch with these girls. They've gained a huge following of roudy, yelling, whistling, complaining, non-English speaking fans. In fact, the ref ended up throwing out a few of their fans this week. It's always a good time. This week we would let them take the lead in the first quarter to which all of our team looked around at each other in the eye to say "Really???? We need to get it together!" And we did. By the games end we had scored 8 goals and won the game 8-1. While we struggled in the beginning, we got it together by the 2nd quarter and rocked it out! Good job girls!!!!!! Name in lights: Stacey, Jen and MISSY! Who was on FIRE with 4 goals this week! Nice!

Goal Count
144 goals scored
72% Done

Since I'm now back to playing I've decided to keep a side tally of my goals...I am currently at 98.

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