Friday, May 8, 2009

May 6th

This week we had plenty of subs. We played really well together. There were some interesting things that happened during the Michelle throwing herself into the boards! Lol! She was challenging the keeper and her feet flew out from underneath her and she slide knee first into the boards. I'm sure it really hurt! But, she's a trooper and kept on playing, running up and down the field, back and forth. Jess got completely wiped out in the box!!!! She was about to score a goal, but the defender for the other team ended up coming in a taking Jess completely out. The foul resulted in a penalty kick to which Amy had a beautiful shot! The ball hit the inside of the left post with velocity and deflected to the inside of the right side of the goal. Gooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllll! Nellie made a SWEET pass to Heatheryn across the box and Heatheryn punched it right in. I'd been trying to make that pass all night and just couldn't get it done. Thank God for Nellie! Joe made a beautiful save! She crouched down and got her hand on a ball I didn't expect anyone to get to! Good job ladies! All and all the final score was 6-2.

Name in Lights: Heatheryn, Lisa, Jen, Jess, Amy

Best part of the game: making the team take a team picture afterwards. I'll post that on here soon.

Goal totals
150 Scored
(Individually I have 99 now)
Only 50 more goals!!!!!

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