Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dave's return is delayed

I haven't posted much about Dave's deployment in this blog, but I did want to let everyone know that Dave was supposed to come home this month. However, if he did come home he would be redeploying this summer for another year. He had the option to stay with another unit until November. By staying he would be home for at least a year. He chose to stay, and I think it's the best decision no matter how much it hurts and how upsetting it is for this deployment to continue.

This is truly one of the hardest things I've been through. Our communication hasn't been the best...we've talked on the phone 4 times since last July with the last time being on Christmas. In the beginning we could talk on email everyday. Around the middle of January he has been very limited on email, in fact I went from 2/24 to 4/24 without any communication from him. He is now with his new unit and is in a more dangerous location than before. These past 10 months have been very difficult and I would truly appreciate any prayers for his safety, patience and our strength as a couple.

Thank you!

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